Bonds, Loans, Grants & Incentives

Invest Atlanta, the City of Atlanta, and the state of Georgia offer an array of tools and programs to assist your business.

Business Programs & Incentives

There are multiple options to help get financial assistance for your business. Explore our incentives below and get in touch with us through the form at the bottom to get started. We're excited to work with you.

501(c)(3) Bonds

Issued to finance property of applicable non-profit organizations, such as schools, charities, and healthcare facilities.


  • Typical Structure: Conduit issuer, no recourse, potential for credit enhancement
  • Term of Bond: Matched to the useful life of the assets financed
  • Interest Rate: Below market rate ½ fixed or variable
  • Bond Minimums & Maximums: Determined on a deal-by-deal basis


  • Eligible Areas: Citywide
  • Jobs Created/Retained: Company must submit a detailed job creation & retention plan
Industrial Revenue Bond

Long-term, low-interest, below-market financing for construction of or improvements to manufacturing facilities.


  • Bond Minimums & Maximums: Minimum of $2 million; $10 million maximum
  • Typical Structure: Conduit issuer, no recourse, credit enhanced
  • Term of Bond: Matched to the useful life of the assets financed
  • Interest Rate: Market rate ½ fixed or variable


  • Eligible Areas: Citywide
  • Jobs Created/Retained: Company must submit a detailed job creation & retention plan
Lease Purchase Bonds

Through the issuance of Lease Purchase Bonds, Invest Atlanta holds title to real and personal property for a ten year period. Invest Atlanta enters into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Fulton County Board of Assessors to assess the property under a ramp up schedule starting at 50% in the first year and decreasing by 5% each year for the next 9 years until full taxes are paid in year 11.


  • Bond Minimums & Maximums: Suggested minimum of $10 million; no maximum
  • Typical Structure: Conduit issuer, no recourse
  • Term of Bond: 10 years
  • Interest Rate: Market rate ½ fixed or variable


  • Eligible Areas: Citywide
  • Jobs Created/Retained: Company must submit a detailed job creation & retention plan
Economic Opportunity Fund (EOF)

This discretionary fund is structured on a project by project basis based upon criteria such as job retention and creation in the city of Atlanta, financial strength of the business, and amount of business investment in the project.


  • Eligible Activities: Funding of acquisition or construction of land, buildings and equipment, infrastructure or leasehold improvements, parking subsidies, relocation costs, workforce training, etc.
  • Eligible Applicants: Businesses or Non-Profit Organizations
  • Minimums and Maximums: City of Atlanta